How to Relieve Tension Headaches

When you develop a headache, chances are it is a tension-type headache. The pain can be at times severe; patients often liken the feeling to having a tight band wrapped around their heads. Worse yet, some tension headaches can persist for up to a week. 

Thankfully, relief from tension headaches isn’t out of reach. Here, the experts at Kilian Chiropractic discuss some of the proven ways to relieve pain without resorting to medication.

Minimize Stress

When you are stressed, the muscles around your neck and head tense up and spasm. The resulting pain can be felt behind your eyes, across your forehead, temples, and around the back of your head.

The obvious solution is to minimize the stress in your life, something that for many of us seems impossible. Luckily, coping with stress is easier than it sounds. For one, you should consider enrolling in stress management classes. Frequent massage sessions can also help you unwind. Always remember to practice self-care: naps, meditation, breathing exercises, and simply putting aside time for yourself are more ways to cope with the anxieties of everyday life.

Adjust the Way You Sleep

Sleep is a basic human need. Most adults need between 7 and 8 hours of high-quality sleep each night. And it's not just the quantity that matters. In fact, the quality of your sleep is even more critical.

While you may think you are getting enough sleep, the quality—or lack thereof—may be an underlying cause of your headaches. Following a few simple principles, though, can help you sleep better and avoid your headaches.

First, stay away from all light-emitting screens beginning 30 minutes before your bedtime. Blue light from these devices limits the production of melatonin, a hormone essential for sleep.

Sticking to a consistent night-time routine also helps. Indulge in a relaxing shower, read a book, and prepare for a restful sleep.

Exercise and Stretch

Working out is the best thing you can do for yourself. While the physical benefits of exercise are well-documented, most tend to under-appreciate its mental benefits.

A good workout releases endorphins; these are feel-good hormones that lift your mood and help you relax, thus relieving your headache.

Stretching can furthermore loosen tight areas and prevent your muscles from tensing up. This gets the blood moving, helping to alleviate any pain.

Medications can treat your tension headache, but because they relieve pain without addressing its cause, your headaches will only return.

Not to mention the side effects associated with these medications. Ironically enough, using pain meds too frequently can cause more headaches—a phenomenon doctors call the 'analgesic headache.'

On the other hand, holistic treatments such as chiropractic care and massage therapy can naturally treat and prevent headaches.

A chiropractor can recommend exercises and stretches for you to incorporate into your daily routine. These can help lower stress levels, loosen tight areas, improve sleep and your overall well-being. And since exercises come with no downtime, you can get back to your life immediately.

Treating your headaches is simpler than you think. By changing parts of your lifestyle and scheduling regular chiropractic appointments, you can ensure you remain pain-free. 

On top of that, better joint health, improved muscle strength, and an upright posture are just some of the many chiropractic benefits awaiting you. 

Looking to schedule an appointment? The experts at Kilian Chiropractic would be glad to provide you with services ranging from massage therapy to spinal manipulation. Head over to our website  or call 604-688-0724 to learn more!

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